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Paraguay factory outlet food additives plasticizer DEP

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Paraguay factory outlet food additives plasticizer DEP

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Paraguay factory outlet food additives plasticizer DEP

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Paraguay factory outlet food additives plasticizer DEP
  • Who regulates food contact in Paraguay?
  • In Paraguay, the National Institute of Food and Nutrition (INAN) is responsible for enforcing food and food-contact legislation, including the registration requirements that apply to final food contact articles. As for Uruguay, the Ministry of Public Health oversees the registration of food and FCMs.
  • What is the standards regime in Paraguay?
  • The standards regime in Paraguay includes obligatory and voluntary standards. Public and private conformity assessment bodies operate in the country. The National Institute of Technology, Standardization and Measurement (INTN) is the government organization in charge of developing Paraguay’s standards regime.
  • Who is a conformity assessment company in Paraguay?
  • Private firms acting as conformity assessment companies in Paraguay are SGS, Lloyds, and TÜV.Standards The Mercosur Standards Association (Asociacion Mercosur de Normalizacion - AMN) is composed of the standards institutes of Mercosur Member States, which work together to establish Mercosur-wide standards. Asociación Mercosur de Normalización (AMN)
  • What certifications does Paraguay have?
  • · National Health Vigilance Directorate (DINAVISA) Product Certification Product certification is regulated by the ISO standards. Paraguay has no mutual recognition agreements (MRAs) with U.S. organizations. The local accreditation body is the National Accreditation Organism (ONA) under the National Council of Science and Technology (CONACYT).