Iran stable dioctyl terephthalate DOTP for pvc processing

Iran stable dioctyl terephthalate DOTP for pvc processing

dioctyl terephthalate auxiliary chemicals plasticizer

Iran stable dioctyl terephthalate DOTP for pvc processing

Product introduction of DOTP (dioctyl terephthalate) material

Iran stable dioctyl terephthalate DOTP for pvc processing

the production of “dioctyl terephthalate” to replace “dioctyl terephthalate

Iran stable dioctyl terephthalate DOTP for pvc processing

DOTP plasticizer for pvc-processing extrusion

Iran stable dioctyl terephthalate DOTP for pvc processing

technical data sheet

Iran stable dioctyl terephthalate DOTP for pvc processing
  • Where is Dioctyl terephthalate plasticizer made?
  • Denis Gerber: SIBUR Holding launched the production of dioctyl terephthalate plasticizer (DOTP) located on the territory of Sibur-Khimprom, Perm. The official opening took place in May. DOTP is demand in the production of floor coverings,  membranes, films, wallpaper and many other products, and from plasticized PVC.
  • What is DOTP & how does it work?
  • The official opening took place in May. DOTP is demand in the production of floor coverings,  membranes, films, wallpaper and many other products, and from plasticized PVC. Accordingly, the types of processing can be  different depending on the final product: extrusion, calendering, injection molding.
  • What is DOTP plasticizer?
  • The main raw material for DOTP is terephthalic acid and this type of plasticizer fully  complies with modern international requirements for the safety of chemical compounds. DOTP also has a number of  advantages: • expansion  of operating temperatures of cable products from -40 +70 to -45 +80 °C.