2ton pvc dimethyl phthalate DMP in Malawi

2ton pvc dimethyl phthalate DMP in Malawi

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2ton pvc dimethyl phthalate DMP in Malawi

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2ton pvc dimethyl phthalate DMP in Malawi

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2ton pvc dimethyl phthalate DMP in Malawi

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2ton pvc dimethyl phthalate DMP in Malawi

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2ton pvc dimethyl phthalate DMP in Malawi
  • Do polyvinyl chloride microplastics release phthalate and non-phthalate plasticizers into sediment?
  • This study investigated the leaching of phthalate and non-phthalate plasticizers from polyvinyl chloride microplastics (MPs) into sediment and their degradation over a 30-d period via abiotic and biotic processes. The results showed that 3579% of plasticizers were released into the sediment from the MPs and > 99.9% degradation was achieved.
  • Are DEHT and DINP phthalate plasticizers present in PVC chromatograms?
  • Note that we monitored the DEHT (non-phthalate) and DINP (phthalate) plasticizers in both MPs; however, two additional peaks in the GC-MS chromatogram from each PVC sample remained unknown and were not considered in this study.
  • Do phthalate and non-phthalate plasticizers change sediment-water partitioning constants after degradation?
  • Sediment-water partitioning constants were altered differently after degradation. This study investigated the leaching of phthalate and non-phthalate plasticizers from polyvinyl chloride microplastics (MPs) into sediment and their degradation over a 30-d period via abiotic and biotic processes.
  • Are phthalate plasticizers degraded by biotic methods?
  • In this study, the pH of the different microcosms ranged from 7–8, which is favorable for degradation. Several studies have reported that phthalate plasticizers are readily degraded by biotic methods , , ; however, their abiotic degradation efficiencies have not been well studied.
  • Is plasticizer leaching proportional to the initial phthalate content?
  • This indicates that the plasticizer leaching from the products is directly proportional to the fraction of the initial content. A similar result has been reported in the literature, which showed that the leaching of phthalates from PVC MPs increased with an increase in the initial phthalate content .
  • Does Mn 2+ increase phthalate removal efficiency?
  • These elements are known to enhance the phthalate removal process in most bacteria. However, Xu et al. (2017) have observed that Mn 2+ accelerates DEHP degradation efficiency of Acinetobacter sp. SN13 (highest at 100 μg/L concentration), but it also becomes inhibitory at higher concentrations (500–1000 μg/L) with the same bacterium.