manufacturer of DOS pvc plasticizer fiber in Russia

manufacturer of DOS pvc plasticizer fiber in Russia

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manufacturer of DOS pvc plasticizer fiber in Russia

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manufacturer of DOS pvc plasticizer fiber in Russia

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manufacturer of DOS pvc plasticizer fiber in Russia

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manufacturer of DOS pvc plasticizer fiber in Russia

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manufacturer of DOS pvc plasticizer fiber in Russia
  • Who is polyplastic group?
  • Convenient regional logistics Since 1991 we have developed and manufactured innovative plastic pipeline solutions for water supply, gas distribution, water disposal, district heating, agriculture, cable protection and industrial systems. Now POLYPLASTIC Group is a large international company with divisions in Russia, Belarus and Kazakhstan.
  • Who makes zuroplast?
  • LADA-LIST LLC offers a wide range of Zuroplast single-layer and multilayer plastics. The company “LADA-LIST” produces and sells high-quality sheet plastic “ZUROPLAST” in Russia and the CIS. We have been working for over 30 years and use modern lines:
  • Who is the manufacturer of PVC granulated floor coverings?
  • JSC a manufacturer PVC granulated ... We are one of the leading manufacturers PVC floor coverings on a non-woven substrate in Russian Federation. offer high quality residential and semi commercial covering with width 1,5; 2,0; 2,5; 3,0; 3,5 m. thickness 2,2; 2,6; 3,6 mm. more than 50 patterns.We ...