Argentina economical plasticizer DOA for rubber making

Argentina economical plasticizer DOA for rubber making

plasticizer selection for elastomers manufacturer

Argentina economical plasticizer DOA for rubber making

dioctyl adipate/DOA chemical additive

Argentina economical plasticizer DOA for rubber making

production of rubber plasticizers based on waste pet: techno

Argentina economical plasticizer DOA for rubber making

plasticizers prices, latest price, news, market analysis

Argentina economical plasticizer DOA for rubber making

feasibility study: plastic and synthetic rubber industry

Argentina economical plasticizer DOA for rubber making
  • What is DOA used for?
  • DOA is often used in combination with primary plasticizers such as DOP for cold-resistant agricultural films, wires, thin sheets, synthetic leather, and packaging films for frozen foods. It can also serve as a low-temperature plasticizer for many synthetic rubbers and resins such as nitrocellulose.
  • Does DOA plasticizer decrease T-g compared to TCP?
  • Among the plasticizers, when DOP and DOA content was high, an appreciable decrease of T-g was found compared to TCP. Moreover, there was a remarkable decrease of T-g using DOA plasticizer, which shows more effective on freezing resistance.
  • Which plasticizers are compatible with eco?
  • ECO already has good low-temperature flexibility; however, it can be further improved by addition of plasticizers such as DOA or DBP. Ester plasticizers are compatible with ECO where the plasticizer has a similar polarity to that of the polymer. DOP, DIDP, and, TOTM are common choices.
  • Which plasticizers are compatible with rubber?
  • Considering the the main rubber chain. Also, oil-type plasticizers like paraffinic oil, P#2 and aromatic oil, A#2 have compatibility with rubber. matrix chemically. So, it is well understood that DOA was the of rubbers.
  • What type of plasticizers are used?
  • The plasticizers used were dioctylphthalate (DOP), tricrecylphosphate (TCP), dioctyladipate (DOA), and oil type plasticizers like parafinic oil (P#2) and aromatic oil (A#2). Among the plasticizers, when DOP and DOA content was high, an appreciable decrease of T-g was found compared to TCP.
  • Are ester plasticizers compatible with eco?
  • Ester plasticizers are compatible with ECO where the plasticizer has a similar polarity to that of the polymer. DOP, DIDP, and, TOTM are common choices. Most ester plasticizers cannot withstand the post-cure cycles and temperatures typically sued with FKM.