China environmental chemical use diethyl phthalate plasticizer

China environmental chemical use diethyl phthalate plasticizer

phthalates contamination in china: status, trends and human

China environmental chemical use diethyl phthalate plasticizer

global environmental and toxicological data of emerging

China environmental chemical use diethyl phthalate plasticizer

diethyl phthalate with factory price

China environmental chemical use diethyl phthalate plasticizer

distribution characteristics and relationship price

China environmental chemical use diethyl phthalate plasticizer

phthalate ester concentrations, sources, and risks in the

China environmental chemical use diethyl phthalate plasticizer
  • Can China reduce phthalate pollution?
  • China's phthalate restrictions have alleviated indoor specific phthalate pollution. BBP and DEHP concentrations decreased by 73.5% and 17.9%, respectively, from 2007 to 2019. Sunshine was a key environmental factor in reducing phthalate levels in indoor dust. Policymakers should consider limiting the use of phthalates in personal care products.
  • Are phthalates ubiquitous in environmental exposure media and food in China?
  • Phthalates are ubiquitous in different environmental exposure media and food in China. In this paper, the current state of human evidence, as well as future research trends and needs were discussed. With the consistent rising production of phthalate-related products in China, the human exposure trend for the Chinese population is yet unknown.
  • Why is phthalate a problem in China?
  • This situation is due to the late start of phthalate research in China and insufficient laws and regulations ( ), influencing factors ( ), sources () but also affect the migration and distribution of phthalates among indoor environmental media ( b ).
  • Can phthalate reduce disease-burden in China?
  • Benefits from disease-burden reduction for type 2 diabetes and obesity through comprehensive regulatory restrictions on phthalate use in China One Earth, 5 ( 2022), pp. 380 - 391, 10.1016/j.oneear.2022.03.013 Plastic additives and personal care products in south China house dust and exposure in child-mother pairs Environ.
  • Are food phthalate concentrations high in China?
  • Food phthalate concentrations in China is higher than U.S., Norway, and Belgium. Despite the extensive production and use of phthalates in Asian countries, especially China, limited information is available about the current situation of human exposure in this region, and thus identification of further research needs is warranted.
  • Which phthalate is most commonly produced in China?
  • Bis (2-ethylhexyl) phthalate (DEHP) and di-n-butyl phthalate (DBP) are two of the most abundantly produced phthalates, accounting for more than 80% of the phthalates produced in China . Because PAEs do not chemically bond to products, they escape to the environment easily during production and usage.