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best quality chemical TOTM plasticizer in Sweden

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best quality chemical TOTM plasticizer in Sweden
  • Is TOTM a good plasticizer?
  • TOTM was also cited to be reproductively toxic for the rodents tested, whereas DOTP, ATBC, and DINCH had no reproductive effects. Performance. Because of its higher molecular weight, TOTM is absorbed into the porous PVC resin particles during compounding much more slowly than DOTP or any of the other monomeric plasticizers.
  • What is chemflexx TOTM?
  • ChemFlexx TOTM is a lasting primary plasticizer with the good points of both polyester and monomer plasticizers. The compound is suitable for PVC, cellulose nitrate, ethyl cellulose and poly methyl methacrylate. With above average electrical properties, it is mainly used in electrical wire and cable for 105°C level applications.
  • What is oxofinetm TOTM?
  • Oxofine™ TOTM can be used as primary or functional plasticizer in combination with other plasticizers. It has a positive effect on finished product properties and its manufacturing process. Oxofine™ TOTM is an oily liquid with a characteristic mild ester odour, free from solid impurities.