multifunctional liquid plasticizer DMP in Canada

multifunctional liquid plasticizer DMP in Canada

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multifunctional liquid plasticizer DMP in Canada

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multifunctional liquid plasticizer DMP in Canada

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multifunctional liquid plasticizer DMP in Canada

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multifunctional liquid plasticizer DMP in Canada

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multifunctional liquid plasticizer DMP in Canada
  • What is DMP used for?
  • DMP is a colourless, light fast, faint aromatic odoured liquid and finds applications as plasticizers for nitrocellulose and cellulose acetate resins. It yields excellent films having good adhesion with both, in proportions upto 75% of the weight of the cellulose ester. It also plasticizes rubber and Poly Vinyl Acetals.
  • Do you need a reliable plasticizer manufacturer?
  • You need a reliable plasticizer manufacturer. Eastman has been an industry leader in the plasticizer field for more than 75 years. Our products make the jobs of formulators, compounders and manufacturers easier and the products consumers use better.
  • Do you need a plasticizer?
  • Plasticizers are widely used and play a vital role in improving the lives of billions. From homes and cars to the office and children's toys, plasticizers are in countless products. They enhance product flexibility and performance, providing added value. However, when it comes to your application, you need more than just any plasticizer.
  • Does Eastman offer polymeric plasticizers?
  • Eastman also offers a comprehensive range of polymeric plasticizers for use in applications that require very low plasticizer migration and/or extended product durability. Discover how our plasticizers can expand your capabilities today.