Nigeria dimethyl phthalate DMP for pvc processing

Nigeria dimethyl phthalate DMP for pvc processing

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Nigeria dimethyl phthalate DMP for pvc processing

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Nigeria dimethyl phthalate DMP for pvc processing

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Nigeria dimethyl phthalate DMP for pvc processing

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Nigeria dimethyl phthalate DMP for pvc processing

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Nigeria dimethyl phthalate DMP for pvc processing
  • Is DMP a phthalate?
  • Levels of DMP, and otherphthalates including diethyl phthalate, DBP, and DEHP, in semen of a group of proven fertile men (i.e., who had offspring within 1 year of the study) were lower than levels in a group of infertile men (who had regular unprotected intercourse within 1 year without their partners achieving pregnancy) (Pant et al., 2008).
  • Is DMP a health hazard?
  • Results from studies of animals exposed repeatedly to DMP (mostly by the oral route) provide evidence, however, thatDMP has less potential to induce health hazards than some other phthalates, such as DEHP and butylbenzyl phthalate.
  • Is DMP a benzene-dicarboxylic acid ring?
  • DMP is comprised of a pair of 1-carbon esters linked to a benzene-dicarboxylic acid ring. The branched ester side chains are in an ortho configuration, in contrast to those found in isophthalates (meta) or terephthalates (para). DMP is currently considered to belong to the Low Molecular Weight Phthalate Esters (LMWPE) group.
  • Is dimethyl phthalate a potent male rat reproductive tract toxicant?
  • The results provide supportive evidence that gestational exposure to dimethyl phthalate isnot a potent male rat reproductive tract toxicant like other phthalate esters, such as DBP and DEHP.
  • Does petrolatum have a sensitivity to DMP?
  • Sensitization In a patch test study of a mixture of 2% DMP, 2% diethyl phthalate, and 2% dibutylphthalate (DBP) in petrolatum,1 out of 1,532 subjects showed an allergic response (Schulsinger and Mollgaard, 1980).
  • Is polyvinyl chloride dermatitis caused by phthalates?
  • Schulsinger, C; Mollgaard, K. (1980) Polyvinyl chloride dermatitisnot caused by phthalates. Contact Dermatitis 6(7):477–480. Scott, RC; Dugard, PH; Ramsey, JD; et al. (1987) In vitro absorption of some o-phthalate diesters through human and rat skin. Environ Health Perspect 74:223–227.