Kenya chemical use plasticizer dioctyl adipate supply

Kenya chemical use plasticizer dioctyl adipate supply

dioctyl adipate marine chemicals

Kenya chemical use plasticizer dioctyl adipate supply

product feature: dioctyl adipate (doa) manufacturer

Kenya chemical use plasticizer dioctyl adipate supply

dioctyl adipate doa silver fern chemical inc

Kenya chemical use plasticizer dioctyl adipate supply

discover the power of dioctyl adipate: your complete guide

Kenya chemical use plasticizer dioctyl adipate supply

dioctyl phthalate plasticizers, dioctyl adipate,triethyl

Kenya chemical use plasticizer dioctyl adipate supply
  • What is Dioctyl adipate used for?
  • DiOctyl Adipate (DOA) and DiButyl Adipate (DBA) are used in coating, washing and cleaning applications, lubricants, greases and so many such products. Benzoates or The NK-Series are phthalate-less plasticizers that are used as replacements for Phthalates. They are used mostly in flooring, adhesives etc.
  • What is Dioctyl maleate used for?
  • DiOctyl Maleate (DOM), DiButyl Maleate (DBM) and Mono IsoOctyl Maleate (MIOM) are used to provide elasticity in resins. They are used in adhesives, paints etc. Benzyl Butyl Phthalate, DiOctyl Phthalate, DiButyl Phthalate, DiButoxy Glycol Phthalate etc. are primarily used to make polyvinyl chloride, or vinyl, flexible.
  • What are super specialty polymeric plasticizers?
  • These super specialty Polymeric plasticizers have been developed as per the needs and requirements of the company involved in PVC products primarily. DiButyl Sebacate (DBS) and DiOctyl Sebacate (DOS) are used in food packaging, personal care like cosmetics emollients, films and other synthetic products.
  • What are plasticizers?
  • Plasticizers are either liquids with low volatility like Benzoates, Maleates, and Phthalates, or solids. Each are chosen based on their polymer compatibility.